Stem Spares

Genetic Handlebar Shims
Handlebar Shims

Handlebar Shims for use on split-clamp stems

RRP from £6.99

Gusset TS/S2 Stem Bolt Kit
Gusset Components
TS/S2 Stem Bolt Kit

Replacement bolts for the Gusset TS and S2 Stems

RRP from £3.99

ShockStop Garmin Mount
Redshift Sports
ShockStop GPS Mount

Mounts Garmin or Wahoo GPS directly to the ShockStop Suspension Stem

RRP from £49.99

ShockStop Utility Mount
Redshift Sports
ShockStop Utility Mount

Provides extra space to mount accessories.

RRP £49.99

ShockStop Replacement Elastomer Kit
Redshift Sports
ShockStop Replacement Elas..

Includes one of each durometer elastomer

RRP £24.99

RedShift Shockstop Wedge and Bolt
Redshift Sports
Shockstop Wedge and Bolt

Replacement Wedge and Bolt for Shockstop stem

RRP from £6.99

Renthal Stem Bolt Kits
Stem Bolt Kits

Replacement bolt kits for Renthal stems

RRP from £6.45

Gusset Handlerbar Shims
Gusset Components
Handlerbar Shims

Various sizes of Black anodised alloy shims

RRP from £4.99

Problem Solvers Handlebar Shims
Problem Solvers
Handlebar Shims

Yeah, we've got a shim to make your handlebars and stems get along

RRP from £14.99

Genetic Alloy Quill Stem Converter
Alloy Quill Stem Adaptor

Quill Stem to A-head Adaptor

RRP £14.99

ID Stem Shim
Stem Shim

Steerer size adaptor

RRP £3.99

ID KHE Clamp on Stem Shim
KHE Clamp on Stem Shim

1 1/8"-23mm

RRP £3.99

Redshift Handlebar Shims
Redshift Sports
Handlebar Shims

Adapts 25.4 mm or 26.0 mm handlebars to 31.8 mm ShockStop Stem clamp

RRP from £16.99

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